Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our Garden of Eden

For the last several years, Jeff and I have been gardening. We found two existing fruit trees (one pear-one apple) on the property when we bought the house, and about a year after we moved in we started a garden. We have grown tomatoes, potatoes, corn, green beans, carrots, hot peppers (Thai-tiny fireball peppers!), watermelons, zucchinis....several other trial and error veggies also.

The fruit trees definitely produce enough that I have learned to make my own applesauce/apple butter/apple-cranberry sauce (an adult fave), and can all those items. I also did pear butter last year, which turned out pretty good. We canned/froze quite a bit of our crops last year also. Needless to say...we won't be growing green beans this year...possibly not even next!

Any who, this year we are growing: carrots, corn (we will conquer this elusive veggie!), potatoes, jalapenos, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, cantaloupe, asparagus, garlic, and strawberries. I am also going to get my hands on some raspberry, gooseberry, and rhubarb plants this year! REALLY excited! HA! With that being said...we are expanding our garden by over 100%! We are going to be busy little bees this summer when it comes to pulling weeds, watering, etc! I'm glad I have some cheap labor (in the form of nieces & a nephew)!

Did I mention that for the last year we have been raising chickens? HA! Yes, we are your average little farm...in the middle of Archbold! We only have hens, so no noise for the neighbors. I can't complain too much about the stinky little birds...we get one egg from each hen a day!

We have our seed order in, and soon we will be able to get the sod cutter rented...and start planting! I just wish everyone had the great opportunity that we have (and the yard space!) to be as self sufficient. It is a really good boost to the self-esteem to know that I can provide for myself.
I think it might just be the idea of a fresh start to life, spring always brings a sprouting of fresh foliage...just showing you that life will renew itself, heal itself, grow again...exactly what I need right now!

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